Behaviour Therapy

Behaviour Therapy (BT) is also known as behaviour modification therapy. It is a part of a psychological intervention particularly in neuro-diverse children, adolescents and young adults.

How BT program can help:

  • Developing adaptation to various environments (therapy settings, school, home etc.) and developing pre-linguistic skills for learning and development.
  • By enhancing their sitting tolerance, eye to eye contact, name call response, attention towards speech, joint attention, motor imitation, facial expressions, emotional responses, gestures, following the simple instructions, developing social communication and reciprocity.
  • Once pre-linguistic and adaptation skills are achieved, the Behaviour Therapist works to develop.
  • Social interaction and play skills to enhance their socialization.
  • Modify and manage the problem or undesirable behaviours.
  • Cognition enhancement (memory, perception, reasoning, planning, judgment, problem-solving skills etc) to enhance learning potential.
  • Functional and life skills to make them independent individuals (taking care of their own self, other and social transactions).
  • Behaviour therapy help us to understand
  • Child’s readiness for learning.
  • Reasons for the undesirable or problem behaviours.
  • Triggering factors of the problem behaviours.
  • Functions of the behaviours (attention, tangible, escape, sensory, & skill deficits).
  • Understanding the difference between sensory behaviours and problem behaviours.
  • Where to work to increase desirable behaviours, either antecedents or consequences management.
  • Basic intellectual skills for learning and development, is it achieved or not?
  • The importance life skills to make the child independent.

Do you still have question?

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