The general questions our parents have is answered here!

Every child has unique set of strengths and opportunities to learn. We will focus on child’s strengths and find ways to set up teachable moments through play and other natural routines using positive reinforcement.ABA therapy teaches children by breaking down complex tasks into small and discrete instructional steps. These small steps build on each other towards mastering a complex goal. We use positive reinforcement to build on the child’s progress as they master these small steps

Children of all ages benefit from ABA therapy. However, the ideal age to start ABA therapy is between 2-6 years. The earlier, the better as research supports that early intervention works.

Positive reinforcement is one of the main strategies used in ABA. When a behavior is followed by something that is valued (a reward), a person is more likely to repeat that behavior. Over time, this encourages positive behavior change.First, we identify a goal behavior. Each time the child uses the behavior or skill successfully, they get a reward. The reward is meaningful to the individual. Like a praise or toy or access to play and more. Positive reward encourages the child to continue using the skill.

speech and language therapy is a specialized form of treatment aimed at improving communication and speech-related challenges. It involves various techniques and exercises to enhance speech clarity, language development, and overall communication skills.

ABA therapy interventions are effective for improving language, cognitive abilities, adaptive behavior and social skills.According to National Institute of Mental Health, “Among the many methods available for treatment and education of people with autism, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has become widely accepted as an effective treatment.”

For your child, speech therapy may take place in a classroom or small group, or one-on-one, depending on the speech disorder. Speech therapy exercises and activities vary depending on your child’s disorder, age, and needs. During speech therapy for children, the SLP may: 1.interact through talking and playing, and using books, pictures other objects as part of language intervention to help stimulate language development 2.model correct sounds and syllables for a child during age-appropriate play to teach the child how to make certain sounds 3.provide strategies and homework for the child and parent or caregiver on how to do speech therapy at home

Play therapy is a type of therapy where a therapist uses play, toys and games to help the child explore, express and safely experience the emotional difficulty they are experiencing.ABA teaches functional and specific skills that will eventually lead to personal independence in the child’s community. Like, socialization, effective communication, self- management, following instruction and asking for help etc.

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